Termites- Everything You Wanted to Know About It

Termites are the pests that is responsible for destroying human civilizations. It can destroy your house and your valuable beyond recognition and recovery. This pest alone has caused a loss of millions of Rupee property from years together and still continues to do so. What is a termite? Termites are insects and it is both Subterranean and Terranean in nature. Subterranean termites are insects that feed on wood, frequently becoming pests of homes. There are two types of termites commonly encountered by homeowners: the worker and the swarmer. Worker termites are creamy coloured, 3-4 mm long, and typically only seen when a mud foraging tube is broken, or…

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The following scenarios are most likely to attract termites to your home.

Termite Control by PCSI Pest Control Services Inc, Indore, M.P. is one of the best pest control service provider company that uses the latest technology to terminate pests from any premises. This pest control service provider company has professionally trained team of pest controllers, who adopt the right technique to eliminate a prescribed pest from the premises effectively and for a long-time duration. The following scenarios are most likely to attract termites to your home. Piles of Wood. Firewood and woodpiles can attract termites, drawing them closer to your home, Excess Foliage. As they rot, dead trees and stumps attract termites, Tree Limbs and Leaves, Mulch.Clogged Gutters. Wings,…

termite control

Devastating results of negligence in exterminating termites from home.

The technical team of Pest Control Services INC visited a residential premise at Vijayanagar, Indore, M.P. This residential premise had sets of wooden furniture installed in the rooms. These sets of wooden furniture were badly infested by termites. The technical team of PCSI informed the house owner to have the termites exterminated, by availing a termite control service from the PCSI team. The team also informed the house owner of the possible dire consequences if the termites are not removed immediately from the wooden furniture, in the house. Somehow the house owner was not convinced and did not pay any attention to the warning given to him by…