• Bed bugs have been around since the dawn of time. Scientists believe they were once cave dwellers, feeding on the blood of bats, but learned to thrive on the ever-growing population of humans on the earth.
  • It is believed by many that only poor and dirty people get bed bugs. This could not be further from the truth. These bugs can be found in the wealthiest of homes and in the most prestigious hotels.
  • Bed bugs are only found in motels. Sadly, this isn’t even close to true. They can be found in hotels, motels, cruise ships, forest cabins, taxis, buses, trains, planes, movie theatres, and residential homes. These bugs can live any place people sleep or sit.
  • Bed bugs can feed on you while you are awake. The anticoagulant that bed bugs administer into their bite holes allows them to feed on humans almost completely undetected. At night they will feed on a host several times without waking them, even on the face. These bugs can also infest movie theatres, feeding on victims while they are engrossed in their movie.
  • Bed bugs are clever. Their survival instinct causes them to hide in the day when their detection could be dangerous to their nest. These bugs will hide in baseboards, picture frames, wall outlets, behind wallpaper, carpets, upholstery, laptop computers and other strange places. But when night comes, they sense the increase in carbon dioxide put off by sleeping humans, and come out to feed.
  • Bed bugs are resilient. Bed bugs can live up to 12 months without eating. They are also able to survive temperatures from 32 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bed bugs breed fast. These little bugs can have as many as 4,000 babies in a six-month period, and grow to mating age in under a month.