The dangers of pest oriented gastro intestinal diseases during summer season.

Summer is a hard season for digestive system. This season leads to digestive disorders very easily, that may lead to dehydration. This dehydration may in turn be fatal for those who are suffering from bacterial diarrhea or dysentery. The fatalities are more for children and elders in the house. Pests such as cockroaches and house flies are the main causes of such life threatening diseases, during summer season. Cockroaches live in wet, humid and dark places in the house, such as the kitchen sink or the toilets. It carries the pathogens of dangerous diseases such as gastroenteritis, cholera, typhoid, or jaundice. Whenever these cockroaches touch the food material…


Best lizard Control Service in Indore

Pest Control Services Inc, Indore, a very reputed and renowned pest control service provider company in this area and has been rated as the number One company by competent authorities, is also has the best house lizard control service in Indore. House lizards, or Gecko, as it is commonly known as, are not considered good by the common people. People are literally afraid of these lizards as there is a common belief of these lizards being poisonous animals. People like to see their houses free from lizards to feel safe and PCSI provides the best lizard control service in the entire area. The methodology adopted by PCSI for…

mosquito control

16th May, the National Dengue Day – Mosquito Control 20% Discount

The entire country will observe the day of 16th May, as the National Dengue Day. There will be a nationwide symposium to discuss on the effective organically managed ways, even in the block levels of the entire districts, to destroy and prevent the larvae of the mosquito, Aedes, from originating and developing into adult mosquito, that is responsible of spreading fatal diseases such as, Dengue, ChikanGunya and Zika. These diseases are spread by biting of the mosquito Aedes. This species of mosquito breeds in clean water. It is necessary to clean and change the water filled in desert coolers, water storage tanks, or in other places, at least…


Termites destroy Documents.

Documents are very important to our lives and our livelihood. These documents are proofs to our properties, our records of education and other important aspects of our lives. Some of these documents are not recoverable, if misplaced or destroyed. Termites can very easily destroy these documents, beyond recovery. Termites can destroy rare books, manuscripts, valuable records and these may be total loss to the person. It is important to be pro active for protection of these valuable documents and books and it is necessary to have Termite extermination program, conducted by a reputable pest control service provider company, such as PCSI, for total protection of these documents from…


PCSI is declared as best pest control company at Indore.

Pest Control Services Inc, Indore is a very renowned pest control service provider company, because of its quality of services provided, to its clients. This company has been declared as the best pest control service provider company at Indore, by the competent authorities. Pest Control Services Inc, Indore is the pest control service provider company, that has requisite license for all types of pest control service it provides. This company has the latest pest control technology, with the updated pest control equipments. The staff and the team of this company is highly trained in pest control technicalities and they are regularly updated in their skills. PCSI has been…


PCT Training Completion Certificate to PCSI Director.

Indore 18th of February, 2019. The Director of Pest Control Services, Indore, Mr Hemant Bhatt, has been awarded Certificate of Completion, by Pest Control Technology, PCT Distance Learning. This Certificate of Completion has been awarded to Mr Bhatt, for his completion of Online Training Module of Control Solution Inc: Fuse Termiticide/Insecticide- part one programme. PCSI is extremely proud and happy for this excellent achievement of its Director and wishes Mr Bhatt all the best in his future days.


Grand gala discount of 20% on Mosquito Extermination Plans.

Pest Control Services Inc, or popularly known as PCSI, has come out with an excellent discount offer on its mosquito extermination plans, during the summer months, this year. Summer is the thriving season for mosquitoes. This pest encroaches upon the bed rooms and other parts of the house, during summer. This pest is one of the main reasons to make the whole family sick, with so many serious and fatal diseases. This is also a pest that needs immediate extermination from the premises, before it can do much harm to the inmates. PCSI is a well-known pest control service provider company, that provides very good and durable mosquito…


Pest Infestations during onset of Summer.

Pest infestation increases in human abodes, with the onset of the summer season. The residential and commercial premises reach for the cooling devices. These may be the desert coolers or the Air Conditioners. This cooling in itself makes the atmosphere ideal for the pests to infest and thrive in that area. Pests such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, house flies etc are maximum found indoors, during the heat of the summer. The kitchen, the toilets and the wash areas are more frequented by the disease spreading cockroaches. The bedrooms and the residential areas are full of mosquitoes. The water in the Desert Coolers are really dangerous during their use in…


How is the life cycle of a cockroach being different from that of a hen?

Life Cycle of a Cockroach- All cockroaches develop by completing a life cycle consisting of three distinct stages: egg, nymph, and adult. The cockroach life cycle starts with the production of eggs. Adultfemales produce between 10 and 40 eggs at a time, which they carryin specialized cases called ootheca. Life Cycle of a Hen- Each chicken started its life by hatching from an egg. Chicks grow and change over time, becoming chickens and having babies of their own. The different stages of life that an animal passes through are called its life cycle. A chicken’slife cyclebegins even before it hatches.